Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Answered Prayers

Good news!! The Brazilian government has granted our request for a visa extension. That means that instead of leaving Brazil next Monday, we will need to leave by December 20th. That gives us three months in Natal!!! Many people have been praying for this and God has answered graciously. We are so thankful because we are really just solidifying our relationships here and want to continue in those relationships.

Let me tell you about just one of those relationships. I am reading with a young man who is reading the "Da Vinci Code" because he is searching for answers. He told me in our first session that he is very curious about religion and has attended the Mormon church before. But he made a point to tell me that he is not decided about religion. I told him that in our reading sessions we will learn about what Jesus says about religion.

I am very excited that we can give him the opportunity to learn the truth about Jesus. I look forward to watching the seed of God's Word take root in his soul. Thank you for all of you who helped us come to Brazil. And we especially thank God for allowing us to remain here for 2 more months. Please continue to pray for our readers.


Anonymous said...

Way to go! All things work together...

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I can't wait to hear how things go with him over the next two months. I miss you! I wish we could watch football or throw the football around, haha!